
Home | Take Advantage Of These Office Layouts And Boost Your Efficiency

Take Advantage Of These Office Layouts And Boost Your Efficiency

The atmosphere in your workplace can either inspire or stifle your employees’ productivity. The layout of your office should meet the specific goals of your organization and we can help you to choose the design that encourages your workers to deliver results. The right layout can help you to get the most out of your employees.

Cellular office

A cellular office includes a set of compartmentalized cubicles. These cubicles can accommodate a few people that work together. In most cases, cubicles are located at the building facade where you can enjoy the views while also having easy access to the hallway. The main benefit of this design is that it allows for preserved privacy letting the employees feel secure. If you want to improve the lighting, you can replace the solid walls with glass partitions. This comes in handy whenever you want to portray the professional, corporate image of your company.

Open office plan

In most cases, open office plans does not have any partitions. While some offices have low partitions that demarcate working areas, our goal is to keep the entire space as open as possible. The design allows a large group of employees to share a common table. This also helps you to save on space and maximize the number of employees that can share a single area. Instead of having separate desks, setting up a couple of workstations helps to get the most of your investments. The open office layout is also cost-effective since you can save on the cost of the partitions. By getting rid of the partitions, you improve the flow of ambient light as well as ventilation. The open layout also enables you to develop a variety of configurations by modifying your furniture arrangements. Such flexibility is beneficial if you want to create a unique set up for every department. Whether you want to use commercial business furniture or install floor to ceiling cubicles, the open office plan provides a lot of freedom.

Combination office

The combination office layout has some cubicles that surround an open area. Instead of connecting the cubicles to the hallways, the layout takes advantage of open space to promote socialization. This is ideal for brainstorming and encouraging workers to collaborate with each other. In most cases, this layout boosts productivity significantly since you have the ideal place to brief an entire team. The fact that every employee has a cubicle helps the workforce to deliver results you require in a timely fashion. Our combination office is ideal if you want to maximize the potential of every employee since it reaps the benefits of teamwork as well as individual output. This layout allows you to invest in all types of commercial office furniture.

Choose an office layout that complements your organizational needs and the desires of your team. There are plenty of ways to create the ideal design that works best for all. Contact Extra Office Interiors for professional office design consulting and solutions.

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